Easy, Fast and Gluten Free Breakfast Sandwich

Written by Todd

Topics: Breakfast

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Out of focus breakfast sandwich

Last weekend Shani was super hungry after taking the dog on his morning walk and was in no mood to wait around for me to whip up any thing that was going to take more than 5 minutes.  Fortunately for her, I already had some turkey bacon cooked up and in the fridge!  We also had some frozen Trader Joe’s Gluten  Free Pancakes and thus a sandwich  was born.

Ingredients used:

  • 1 egg, beaten
  • 1 slice cooked Trader Joe’s Peppered Uncured Turkey Bacon, cut lengthwise into 3 or more pieces
  • 2 Trader Joe’s Gluten  Free Pancakes
  • Trader Jose’s Fancy Shredded Mexican Blend cheese
  • Butter

Also out of focus - who took these photos?

Since time was of the essence, I didn’t get fancy, I left that to the cheese 😉 .  Toss the frozen pancakes into the toaster oven while the pan heats up and the butter melts.  (I usually don’t use butter, but thought it might add a nice little hint of flavor this time, and it did)  While the pancakes are cooking, add the egg to the pan and make a nice little omelet by adding the cheese and bacon and then folding the egg back over its self.  Take the toasted pancakes and sandwich the omelet and walla! You’ve got an easy, fast and gluten free breakfast sandwich!


Besides using them as actual pancakes, what’s your favorite new way to enjoy Traer Joe’s Gluten Free Pancakes?

2 Comments For This Post I'd Love to Hear Yours!

  1. Pam says:

    This is a wonderful idea. Can’t wait for the weekend to have this.